Hello World!

My name is Liam, I’m 17 years old and I am doing a Bachelor in Fine Arts (Interactive and Visual Design) AND a Bacheor in Information Technology at Queensland University of Technology.

I want to be a graphic designer when I graduate, mainly in the strands of design for web and design for print. The idea of people seeing my work and thinking “wow, that looks great” really excites me, and some day I hope to work for a huge international company and have my work seen all over the globe. I still have a long way to go in my own development as a designer, and I have many things that I hope to learn from this unit (Design and Creative Thinking) this year.

– How to portray the right message with my work.
– How to successfully design something from planning to finishing the final product, and then learning from that product.
– How to use illustrator (It confuses me, even after 7 years experience with Photoshop!)

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