Annotated Bibliography for Project 2 (Walk Again)

Here’s my annotated bibliography:

In project 2 we are focusing on designing something that will assist disabled people with their daily lives in order to become more independent.  Because someone in my group has had experience with temporary Lower Body Incapacitation, we decided to focus on this particular disability, and come up with a way to assist people with broken legs or other lower body injuries.

“Orthosports” (2009). ACL Reconstruction. Retrieved April 10, 2013, from
This web page explains the process behind reconstructing a torn anterior cruciate ligament, which is just one of the many parts of the leg that can be damaged, showing what happens during the operation, and also rehabilitation following the operation. This gives us an idea of already existing methods that are used to heal this ligament. There is also a video which demonstrates some of the process. This will help our design as we will now understand how the damage is healed and other treatments, giving us something to emulate or assist with our device.

“Sydney Orthopedic Specialists” (2013). Knees. Retrieved April 10, 2013, from
This web page lists multiple different knee injuries and how they can each be healed, as well as possible risks, all available treatments, etc. They also have a large amount of videos that all show the processes that can be undertaken to fix many different injuries. This just expands on the previous reference, giving us even more of an idea of knee damage and fixes which will help with designing our solution.

Shiel, W. C. (n.d.). Broken Leg. Retrieved April 10, 2013, from
This is an article with multiple pages, providing a huge amount of information on broken legs, their treatment, prevention, self-care, etc. This article also strengthens our understanding of these injuries and how they can be treated. It also has a “self-care at home” page which shows us what people with broken legs need to be aware of at home, and perhaps our device could assist them with this.

Kennett, P. (2013). Tips for Home Survival. Retrieved April 10, 2013, from
This site gives tips to those with broken legs on how they can deal with their broken legs in their home. It talks about food, sanitation, clothing, communication, and more. Our device could possibly use some of these tips in order to make the device more worthwhile and beneficial for the patient, assisting them in more ways than one.

Hydroacive Ltd. (2010). What is Hydrotherapy. Retrieved April 10, 2013, from
This website explains what Hydrotherapy is, how it works, and what benefits it provides. We have decided that our device will emulate hydrotherapy in some way so that people can be treated in the same way, but at any time of day, while doing any activity, such as walking to the shops, cooking food, etc.

Rehabcorp Physiotherapy. (n.d.) Benefits of Hydrotherapy. Retrieved April 10, 2013, from
Like the last link, this site goes in depth into what benefits hydrotherapy provides and why people should consider treatment with it.

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